PDF-Download Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers, by Dave Gray Sunni Brown
PDF-Download Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers, by Dave Gray Sunni Brown

Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers, by Dave Gray Sunni Brown

PDF-Download Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers, by Dave Gray Sunni Brown
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Diese Veröffentlichung muss von jedermann zu haben, die das Lesen lieben oder Analyse der Praxis haben. Sie können mehr Vorteile herausnehmen zu prüfen Gamestorming: A Playbook For Innovators, Rulebreakers, And Changemakers, By Dave Gray Sunni Brown Die Lektion dieses Buches ist es nicht immer wieder die Fakten. Es wird auch eine solche Sache, die sicherlich Ihnen dieses Buches zufrieden machen wird. Wissen Sie, das Leben in Unternehmen, müssen viele Menschen haben die Erfahrung sowie Kenntnisse aus vielen Quellen. Es ist zu gewährleisten, dass Sie genau die Mittel folgen kann, wie einige Leben Einzelpersonen.
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Dave Gray, SVP Strategy, Dachis Group, is an author and management consultant who works with the world's leading companies to develop and execute winning strategies. His previous book, Gamestorming (O'Reilly), has sold more than 50,000 copies and has been translated into 14 languages.Sunni Brown, M.P.A., is Owner of BrightSpot Info Design, a company specializing in visual thinking to support organizational and group success. Sunni was trained in graphic facilitation at The Grove Consultants International, a San Francisco-based company that pioneered the use of visuals in meetings and group processes. She is currently an Associate of The Grove, a freelance consultant for XPlane - the visual thinking company - and an Associate of Alphachimp Studios. She is also co-Founder of VizThink Austin, currently the largest visual thinking community in the United States. Sunni presents regularly on the topics of graphic facilitation, graphic recording and visual thinking. She is also a contributing researcher for Nancy Duarte's upcoming book on storytelling and presentations. Sunni holds Bachelor's degrees in Journalism and Linguistics and a Master's in Public Affairs from the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs. She lives in Austin, TX.James Macanufo: As a consultant at XPLANE, James helps largetechnology and government clients develop their vision, strategy andcommunication plans. He actively obsessed with understanding whatthings are, the way they work, and why they matter. He is also anactive gamer and occasional inventor of card games.
Taschenbuch: 286 Seiten
Verlag: O'Reilly and Associates; Auflage: 1 (1. September 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0596804172
ISBN-13: 978-0596804176
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
17,8 x 1,5 x 23,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.6 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 1.515 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I distract one star because they leave me a little bit confused. In chapter one they are describing the game design. Each game consists of three stages, an opening, exploring, and closing stage. But later on they introduce a list of opening games - but opening is just one stage of a game. How can a game only be an opening game when each game consists of opening, exploring, and closing? They should have named their "games" activities and talk about opening activities, exploring activities, and closing activities, one activity of each stage building up a game. At least this is my understanding :)Besides that, this is a comprehensive collection of activities for workshops. The activities are extremly useful for all persons who have to facilitate workshops. In addition to the immense list of activities, they also offer an explanation on how a workshop (or game) should be designed, through the use of the three stages opening, exploring, and closing.
The book is perfect to use it as an inspiration for workshop, what kind of activities to do. Many, many different games for the appropriate situation. Depends on the subject you work on, there more or less games you can pick from. I participated on workshops before, so I knew what it is about. For newbee, there are not enough examples from real life.Perfect for inspiration
"Gamestorming" ist ein sehr hilfreiches Nachschlagewerk für Leute, die kreative bzw. innovative Prozesse und Methoden zur Ideensammlung und -findung nutzen möchten. Es werden zahlreiche Methoden (über 80!) kurz und bündig erklärt und mit Grafiken unterstützt. Das Buch ist für jeden leicht lesbar und sehr verständlich geschrieben und kann bei richtiger Anwendung auch zu guten Ergebnissen führen. Durchaus eine Kaufempfehlung.
Wer schon 'alles kennt' und schon jahrelang Workshops macht, mag hier nichts neues finden, aber für jemanden, der erst anfängt Trainings und Kurse zu organisieren, ist dieses Buch geradezu eine Schatztruhe.Auch auf deutsch erhältlich.
This book changed the way I think about creativity. It gives a huge range of workshop and tools that we can use in our design process. I totally recommend​ it.
If you want to came up with something you usually have two options. Either you go with some kind of process (this way is usually good one if you want to have your back covered) or you go with unconventional methods (if you have enough money to cover your expenses in case of failure). The second approach is what Gamestorming is all about. First of all, you get the explanation of what playing game is all about. This is very important part, because it will give you arguments when it comes to convince other people to play a little bit instead of just 'inventing' things through regular process of 'thinking'. It might be hard work to convince your co-workers to use this way of solving issues. Many people find 'playing games' a perfect example of wasting the time. That's why it is very good idea to show how playing games makes your brain work different way. After explaining the concept of gamestorming authors go through various examples of games that might help you solve your problems. The collection of games is really impressive. There are almost 100 different games presented within the book. Games are divided into sections that help you solve particular issues. Opening games help you produce ideas quickly, exploring games help you go through the ideas you came up with, closing games help you to get into the end of the innovation process. Reading the book really is fun, however, mind one thing. Not everybody likes to play. If your colleagues do not like to play RPGs, they don't know what RTS is, and board games are just a mean of wasting time, gamestorming is probably not good for you. I agree that pushing people into 'another worlds', with different rules might be good way of finding what hasn't been found yet, however ' not everybody is ready for that. Not everybody likes to play. People simply feel very uncomfortable in this kind of situations. I think that book should be read by people who either have their own company or have team of really open minded co-workers ' people who like to explore alternative ways of finding solutions. I find this book very inspiring, but, you know, I have graduated from philosophy (among the others) and studying philosophy is by itself similar to playing with ideas and exploring new worlds
"A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul," -- Proverbs 13:9 (NKJV)When I meet entrepreneurs, I find that most of them lack an understanding of creative processes and tools that they might use to create superior solutions. Almost all of them are too reluctant to involve other people, denying themselves access to deep reservoirs of knowledge, experience, and inspiration.I think that Gamestorming will be an invaluable resource to those who want to accomplish more . . . but are unsure how to organize their efforts. While the book claims to be aimed at both advanced game practitioners and newbies, I think the book fits the newbie group much better than those with deep game experience and skill.While the book deals with a lot of different conceptual issues, it's surprisingly weak on drawing on very large communities for insights . . . of the sort that various Web 2.0 technologies seek to engage. That's okay. An innovator can find information about such methods elsewhere.I intend to tell my entrepreneurial students about this book. I'm sure it will help them.
Ein hilfreiches Buch für alle die professionelle Workshops etwas spannender und innovativer gestalten möchten! Sehr gut zu lesen. Gutes Nachschlagewerk
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